Exploring the Transformative Power of SCOAN Anointing Water

In the realm of spiritual beliefs and practices, there are various mediums through which individuals seek blessings, healing, and divine intervention. Among these, the SCOAN Anointing Water has gained widespread recognition as a powerful tool for unlocking miracles and experiencing supernatural breakthroughs. The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), under the guidance of the late Prophet TB Joshua and now led by Evelyn Joshua, has introduced this sacred anointed water to touch the lives of countless individuals seeking spiritual healing and deliverance.

The Significance of Anointing Water:

Anointing Water holds a significant place in the ministry of SCOAN. It is believed to be a tangible representation of God’s divine power and grace. This blessed water is anointed and consecrated through fervent prayers, invoking the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Its purpose is to bring about spiritual renewal, physical healing, emotional restoration, and deliverance from afflictions that hinder individuals from experiencing the fullness of life.

The Process of Obtaining SCOAN Anointing Water:

The SCOAN Anointing Water is made available to both members and visitors of the church. To obtain this sacred anointing water, individuals can visit the SCOAN headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. Within the premises, the Anointing Water is freely distributed during church services, allowing attendees to receive this tangible expression of divine favor and grace.

For those unable to physically visit SCOAN, there is an alternative method to obtain the Anointing Water. By placing an order through the church, individuals can have the SCOAN Anointing Water shipped to their location. This process involves purchasing church materials, such as prayer booklets and anointing stickers, along with the Anointing Water, and arranging for shipping through trusted logistics partners like DHL. This ensures that individuals from all corners of the world can experience the transformative power of the Anointing Water. To place an oder for the SCOAN anointing water, please contact the church E-mail: scoanonlinesales@gmail.com

The Transformative Power of SCOAN Anointing Water:

Countless testimonies abound from individuals who have experienced remarkable transformations through the use of SCOAN Anointing Water. These testimonies range from physical healings to financial breakthroughs, emotional restoration, deliverance from spiritual bondage, and overall improvement in various areas of life. The Anointing Water is viewed as a conduit for divine intervention and a catalyst for supernatural encounters.

Using the Anointing Water:

When individuals receive the SCOAN Anointing Water, they are encouraged to approach it with faith and reverence. It is believed that faith activates the power within the water, making it a channel through which God’s miracles manifest. Users are often advised to pray and pour a small amount of the Anointing Water into their drinking water or apply it to specific areas of need, symbolizing their surrender to God’s divine intervention. It is a personal and sacred act of connecting with the supernatural realm.


The SCOAN Anointing Water holds a special place in the hearts and lives of individuals seeking spiritual enrichment, healing, and breakthroughs. It serves as a physical representation of God’s abundant grace and a reminder of the power of faith. Through its distribution and usage, countless lives have been touched, restored, and transformed. The SCOAN Anointing Water stands as a tangible symbol of the unwavering belief in the miraculous and the boundless possibilities that lie within the realm of faith

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